We are all CPR certified, have a stocked emergency kit, and are all trained to use our AED electrical stimulator/defibrillation unit in case of heart attacks. We also have a positive pressure oxygen system with connectors and full face masks.
We have a modern sterilization center within easy reach of all our operatories, and it is also easily viewed by all of our patients. We welcome your questions about how our steri-center works. All sterilizers are biologically tested to insure they meet State required levels of sterility.
With your ease-of-access and comfort in mind, we designed our wheelchair accessible building to meet all specifications and requirements enforced by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Our office is within 3 minutes to the nearest emergency and fire station, which, thank God, we have never used.
In the case of power failure, we have emergency exit lighting. We plan on installing an emergency generator soon.